Last Night’s Car Theft Dream

I was driving down a country road in the middle of the night.  As I drove, I saw a barn sitting in the darkness.  I stopped about a yard away from the barn.  I got out of the car and stated to walk towards the barn.  The grass was high and I could hear crickets all around.  I could also see that there was a light on in the barn.  As I got closer to the barn, the light suddenly went out and I was standing in total darkness.  I turned around and started to walk back towards my car but then I realized that I wasn’t sure where I had parked.  I walked around randomly in the dark, looking for the car.  I was starting to get really upset when suddenly, I saw the car sitting off in the distance.  I ran up to the car and got in.  I was surprised to discover keys hanging from ignition but, being in a hurry to get out of there, I went ahead and started the car and drove off.

As I was driving through the dark, I suddenly realized that I wasn’t actually driving my car.  Instead, I had stolen someone else’s car.  I decided that I would drive home and then, in the morning, I would return the car and find my own.

My home, in his dream, was a small cottage sitting next to what appeared to be a trailer park.  As I parked the stolen car in front of the cottage, I saw that my car was sitting in my driveway.  “Oh,” I said, “I guess I never drove my car to begin with.”

The dream skipped ahead to the next morning.  I was now driving my car (my actual car and not the one that I stole) through downtown Dallas.  I drove through Dealey Plaza and then suddenly, I was pulling up in front of the house that I lived in when I was in high school.  In this dream, I owned the house and I used it as a place to keep all of the stuff that I didn’t have room for in my main house.  I got out of the car and walked into the house.  I went to my old bedroom, which still looked exactly the way it did when I was in high school.  I looked through my closet and my dresser and I saw all of my old high school clothes.

I lay down on my bed and, as I stared up at the ceiling, I said, “But this doesn’t make any sense.  I don’t own this house.”  Even though I knew that I didn’t own the house, I decided to remain on the bed.  Several times, I told myself that I needed to hurry up and leave but I didn’t feel like moving.

As far as I can remember, that’s how the dream ended.