Last Night’s Recurring Dream About Leaving The House

Last night, I had yet another dream where I was trying to leave the house but I kept having to go back inside to get stuff that I had forgotten.  In this case, I think I was trying to go to the airport but I kept realizing that I had left my bags in the house.  I would go in, look for them, then go back outside before then deciding to go back inside and look some more.  This happened a few times.


Last Night’s Cardboard Car Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I had bought a new car.  This car was made of cardboard and it was environmentally friendly.  The best thing about it was that I could fold it up into a small box, which I would then carry around in my purse until I needed it.  Then I would pull the box out of my purse and toss it in the air.  It would unfold in the air and it would be a car by the time it landed.

In my dream, I drove the car down to Northpark Mall.  After I spent a while walking around the mall, I decided to go home.  When I arrived at my house, I forgot to refold the car and I left it parked outside.  A few hours later, it started to rain.  I realized that the rain would ruin my cardboard car.  I ran outside, just to discover that the car had already dissolved under the water.