Last Night’s Weird Ben Affleck Related Dream

(Disclaimer: I do not know Ben Affleck.  I have never met Ben Affleck.  My commentary on the behavior of Dream Ben Affleck should not be taken as any sort of commentary on the behavior of real-life Ben Affleck)

After a month-long hiatus, I am happy to return to my online dream journal with a weird dream about Ben Affleck.

Now, as often happens with dreams, I can’t remember all of the details.  But here’s what I can tell you:

In my dream, I was once again in high school.  This is actually kind of a reoccurring theme in my dreams, though usually I find myself back in college.  What was unique this time is that I wasn’t an adult back in high school.  Instead, I was a teenager again.

My friends and I were attending some sort of weekend, educational retreat that was being held in this small town that sat high atop a snow-covered mountain.  As soon as we arrived, I noticed that Ben Affleck was following our group around.  I asked one of my friends why Ben Affleck was following us around and she said she didn’t know but that he was everyone’s friend.

Anyway, as the weekend progressed, my classmates and I went to various classes that were held across town.  Ben Affleck tagged along with us.  Then, one day, I noticed that Ben was no longer with us.  I asked where he was and I was told that Ben had been arrested for unpaid speeding tickets and was sitting in jail.  So, I called up a lawyer and I asked him if he could come to the town and get Ben out of jail.  The lawyer agreed.

My friends and I were all standing outside the police station, waiting for Ben to get out of jail.  When Ben finally exited the police station, we all cheered but Ben ignored all of us and walked away without saying a word.

“You know,” I yelled, “I got you an attorney!  A thank you would be nice!”

And that’s when I woke up.