Sunday Morning’s Airport Dream

On Sunday, I dreamt that Erin and I were standing out of DFW airport, waiting for a friend of ours to arrive. (The friend was no one that we know in real life.) I told Erin that I didn’t understand why we were waiting for our friend since I didn’t even like them.

Thursday Morning’s Shopping Dream

On Thursday morning, I dreamt that I was grocery shopping and there was some kind of panic going on in the store. People were rushing around with their shopping carts, getting into fights over food, and clearing out the shelves. I had no idea what was going on and I couldn’t get anyone to stop fighting long enough to explain it to me.

Wednesday Morning’s Movie Dream

According to my note, on Wednesday morning, I dreamt that I watched a movie on HBO. It was about four sisters living in a small town. I liked the movie but I was disappointed that none of my sisters were watching it with me because I felt it was something that we would all appreciate.

Tuesday Morning’s Banquet Dream

According to my note, on Tuesday morning, I had a dream about a banquet.  I knew I was scheduled to get an award but I wasn’t sure why I was getting it or when I was going to get it.  The host of the ceremony was an old man wearing a tuxedo who just kept droning on and on.  Whenever he told a joke, he would say, “You can laugh at that.”

Friday Morning’s Cat Dream

On Friday morning, I dreamt that I stepped into my office and the cat was sitting at my desk, with an open book in front of him. I was so excited because I thought Doc was reading but when I walked over to see which book he had selected, I discovered that the book was upside down. I snapped at Doc, “You’re not even trying to read this!”

“Meh,” Doc replied.