Last Night’s Golf Course Dream

I was playing golf with my sister Erin and my best friend Evelyn and I was a little upset because both of them were a lot better at the game than I was.  At one point, we had to stop our game and wait because a man and a woman were getting married on the 9th hole.  I made a joke about hitting a golf ball at them to make them hurry up and everyone looked at me like I was being serious.  It was a strange dream.

Last Night’s Vacation Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I flew to Ireland.  The airplane landed in Belfast, I got a rental car, and then I drove out to a small rural village.  There was a small farm out there that doubled as a hotel.  I got a room for a week.  I spent the next few days walking around the farm and feeling very calm.  At the end of the week, I got in the car and I drove until I somehow found myself in London.  (Yes, I know it’s impossible to drive from Northern Ireland to London.  It was a dream!)  I parked the car on a street corner and I got out and I walked around London.  I bought a newspaper and then I found a large department store.  I spent a few hours inside the store, trying on clothes.   It was while I was in the  changing room that I suddenly realized that I couldn’t remember where I had parked the car and that my original clothes, phone, and purse had disappeared from the changing room so now, I was going to have to walk around London in my underwear until I found my car.  I woke up just as I was leaving the changing room.

Last Night’s Courthouse Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I had a new job working for as an administrative assistant for an attorney.  In my dream, I had to take a very important file to her at the Frank Crowley Courthouse but, when I got to the courthouse, I couldn’t find the courtroom she was in so I just kept walking from hallway to hallway, looking for her.  The longer I walked, the more I realized that it was getting late and I was probably going to lose my job.  I really wanted to throw away the file but I was determined to get the file to my boss, even if I knew she was going to fire me.  I woke up before I found the courtroom.

Last Night’s Air Conditioner Dream

Last night, I fell asleep on the living room couch with the television on.  While sleeping on the couch, I had a dream in which I woke up and I was shocked to see a gray-haired woman standing in the living room, staring at the air conditioner control panel on the wall.  Even though I don’t know the woman in real life, I apparently knew her in the dream.

I told her not to turn up the temperature.  She replied that she thought it was too cold in the house.  I repeated that she shouldn’t turn up the temperature.  She looked at me with a really annoyed look on her face and I suddenly felt very unsafe.

That woke me up.