Last Night’s Mr. Sandman Dream

Perhaps because of the season of the year, last night I had a dream where I was a member of a girl band.  We performed at the Dallas Angelika, where we sang Mr. Sandman, Bring Me A Dream before a showing of the original Halloween.  There was undoubtedly more to the dream but that’s the main thing that I remember.

Last Night’s Snow Dream

I dreamt that I woke up in the middle of the night and I thought there was a light glowing outside my window.  I got out of bed and looked out the window and I saw that it was snowing and the light was actually the surface of the snow.  I got so excited that I ran outside, wearing only my nightshirt, and I started to dance in the snow.  I heard someone telling me that I needed to go inside and put on some more clothes if I was going to do that but I was so excited about the snow that I ignored them.

Suddenly, I was also in the air, looking down at my yard and seeing myself spinning around.

Last Night’s Trying To Leave For Work Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I left my house to go to work but, as soon as I stepped outside, these two men approached me and tried to sell me a home security system.  I told them that they’d have to talk to my sister about that because I didn’t pay the bills around the house but the two men wouldn’t leave me alone.  They wanted me to talk to my sister for them.  Finally, I told them that I had to go.  I got in my car but when I turned the key, the engine wouldn’t start.

Last Night’s Library Dream

Last night, I dreamt I was climbing the stairs at the library when I discovered that there was a fourth floor that I had never visited.  I went up there and I discovered that it housed all of the library’s books on modern art.  Unfortunately, the lights were very dim, the books were very musty, and there didn’t seem to be anyone else up there.  It felt creepy but I still took a few books off the shelves and looked through them.

Last Night’s Comedy Club Dream

Last night, I dreamt that Jeff and I went to the Dallas Angelika to see a movie but the movie was sold out.  So, we went to the comedy club next door.  The comedian who was performing that night told a lot of bad jokes and the audience was heckling him so loudly that he couldn’t be heard.  Finally, I shouted, “Let me him speak!” and the audience fell silent.  The comedian has tears in his eyes and he thanked me.

Last Night’s Freshman Year Roommate Dream

I was visiting this girl who I was roommates with during my first semester of college.  (She’s someone who I was very close to for a semester but who, in the real world, I’ve really had no contact with since that semester.)  In my dream, she was still living with her mom.  At first, the visit was really nice and they seemed really happy to see me.  They showed me around their house.  We went out to dinner.  We did some shopping.  I slept over that night but, as I fell asleep, I suddenly started thinking about how long it had been since I had seen her and how it seemed strange that I had just dropped by and been taken into their home.

The next morning, I was putting my bags back in my car and getting ready to go back home.  My ex-roommate and her mom came out of the house to say goodbye.  I told my former roommate that I felt strange about leaving.  She told me that I could visit whenever I felt like it.

I woke up.

Last Night’s Trampoline Dream

A house a few blocks down from mine had a trampoline in the back yard.  People would jump up and down on it and soar high into the air, so high that they would almost break through the Earth’s atmosphere and go into outer space.  I was sitting on the front porch, watching them go up and down.