Last Night’s Theater Dream

I had written a play that I was both directing and starring in.  I spent so much time directing the rest of the cast and telling them to learn their lines that I never learned my lines and, on the day of performance, I found myself standing on stage with no idea what to say.  I could tell the rest of the cast knew that I didn’t know lines but none of them were going to help me out because I was the director.

Last Night’s Yacht Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was on a yacht with a group of friends.  I was wearing a plaid bikini while all the rest of my friends were wearing suits and dresses.  I said that I was going to lay out on the deck and an older woman who I had never met before said, “Better not, that sun’s not good for someone as pale as you are.”

Defiantly, I lay out on the dock anyway.  I closed my eyes and, when I opened them, there were two men wearing dark suits and dark glasses standing on either side of me.  I asked who they were and they said they were looking for the owner of the yacht.  I told them that he was “down below” and they asked me if I could give them a specific location.  I told them that I didn’t know what all the rooms were called.  The men finally left.  I closed my eyes again.

When I reopened them, my friend Evelyn was lying out on the desk next to me, wearing a white bikini.  I asked her if she had seen the men in the suits and said yes but that they weren’t on the boat anymore.  She asked me if I had studied for my finals and I told her I wasn’t sure what she was talking about.

“We’ve got class tomorrow,” she told me, “you remember that, right?”

I sat up and said that I had totally forgotten to study.  Evelyn said that maybe I could convince the teachers to just give me an incomplete.  I asked her what classes I was enrolled in.  Evelyn said that I should call the school.  I motioned at my bikini and asked Evelyn if she seriously thought I was hiding a phone somewhere.

Somehow, I eventually ended up back at my house.  I was sitting in the living room, nervous because I knew a message from the school was coming.

And I woke up.

Last Night’s Stock Market Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was talking to my family’s stock broker.  I wanted him to buy a million dollars worth of stock in a clothing company so that they would send me stuff for free.  He kept saying that he didn’t know if that was a good idea and I kept telling him to just do it and to stop arguing with me about it.  I don’t remember much more about the dream but I do know he threatened to call the rest of my family and tell them about it and, even though I said I didn’t care, I was kind of worried that he would.

Last Night’s Someone’s Getting Arrested Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was driving down a street in Dallas.  When I stopped at a red light, a bunch of police cars suddenly pulled up in front of me and a bunch of policemen came running down the street.  At first, I was worried that I was being arrested for some reason but then I saw that they were actually arresting the driver of the car behind me.  I was relieved but I was also annoyed because all of the police cars were blocking my way forward and the cops were taking forever to actually arrest the other driver.  Right before I woke up, I was considering whether or not to honk my horn and complain.

Last Night’s Training Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was working in an office.  I was supposed to be training the new administrative assistant on how to answer the phone and keep all the files straight but I kept getting annoyed with her and doing the job myself.  She kept saying, “I can do this, you have to be patient,” and I kept saying, “I don’t have all day to wait.”

Last Night’s Airplane Dream

I was on a private plane, flying over a city that was in the grip of a fiery riot.  At first, I was listening to Clocks by Coldplay.  That song was followed by Starbust by Muse and I started to move my heard along with the music even while the city burned beneath me.  I remember thinking that I was happy to have a plane.

Last Night’s Drive To The Lakehouse Dream

Last night, I dreamt that Jeff and I went up to the Lakehouse because we were worried that there might be civil unrest. We left late at night and, as we drove up to the Oklahoma border, all of the highways were empty except for us. Jeff was driving and, because I get car sick, I kept leaning my head against the window and closing my eyes. Sometimes, we would pass abandoned buildings and I wondered where everyone has gone. In the dream, we never reached the lakehouse, instead we just kept driving.

Last Night’s Annoying Party Dream

Last night, I dream that I was at a party but I was annoyed because I didn’t know anyone who was there and I really wasn’t familiar with the layout of the house.  I did finally find the door leading out to the backyard and that’s when I discovered that the house had a great view of a nearby mountain range.  Even though it was night, I could tell there were a lot of birds flying around.  Some people had come out behind me and I heard one of them asking if the birds were bats.

“They’re birds,” I replied, suddenly feeling very annoyed.

Last Night’s Tornado Dream

Last night, I dreamt that a tornado siren was wailing and I was trying to clean out the downstairs closet so that I could get inside in case the tornado came anywhere near the house.  There was a lot of stuff in the closet and I found myself wondering if it was even worth all the effort to clean it out since the closet probably wouldn’t provide much safety in the first place.

Last Night’s London Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was living in an apartment in London but, whenever I turned on the television, all I could find to watch were old Family Guy episodes.  It was upsetting.  In the dream, I wondered how I could have left America just to discover that the worst parts of America had apparently followed me.