Last Night’s Embassy Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was at a cocktail party at an embassy.  I was wearing a clingy black dress with a high side slit and all the men at the party kept coming over to talk to me.  What they didn’t suspect is that I was actually a spy and that I was wearing a garter that held a small dagger.  I was in the embassy to find and steal some files but I was a little bit worried about moving too fast because I was scared of accidentally stabbing myself with the dagger.

An older man who was wearing bar-rimmed glasses kept telling me about all of the different countries to which he had served as ambassador.  He wanted to know if I had ever been to France because that was going to be his next posting.  I said a few words in French and chuckled.  He replied by saying, “La Magnificent!” and I replied that he wasn’t speaking French.

Eventually, I told the men that I had to step out for a minute but I promised them that I would soon return.  I stepped through a door and I found myself in the embassy’s kitchen, where a cook was baking bread.  He looked shocked to see me.  I held my finger to my lips and went, “Shhhhhh.”  He nodded.

Then, I was on the roof of the embassy, watching a helicopter approach from the distance.

Last Night’s New Cousin Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was a teenager again, living with my mom and my sisters at our old house.  Several aunts, uncles, and cousins were at our house for some sort of reunion.  The house was so crowded that I was getting stressed and it was starting to trigger my asthma so I went out to the backyard to get some fresh air.

There was a teenage boy in the backyard.  He was brown-haired and wearing jeans, a red t-shirt, and a black suit jacket.  He told me that he was my cousin James.  (In real life, I have never met or seen this person and, as far as I know, he doesn’t exist.)  James told me that he had read some of my short stories and he thought I was really talented.  I thanked him and we talked for a while, mostly about art.  (I can’t remember the specifics.)  Finally, James asked me if I wanted to step out in the alley and smoke some weed with him.  I said sure.

It turned out that there was another party taking place in the alley and apparently, everyone knew James.  Everyone in the alley was really fascinated with watching me smoke a joint, saying they were amazed at how deeply I could inhale.  I heard one of them say, “I’ve never seen anyone get that stoned.”  I wasn’t feeling stoned at all but when I tried to tell James, I saw that his eyes were totally blood-shot and that he could barely stand up straight.  I realized that, while the crowd loved me, they didn’t seem to like him that much.  I led James out of the alley.

In the backyard, we ran into my mom, who asked me what I had been doing in the alley.  Suddenly, the weed hit and I had to struggle not to laugh as I told her that we were just looking at the moon.

Last Night’s Joseph Dream

Last night, I dreamt I was at a party with my friend Evelyn when we were approached by a shy and nervous looking man named Joseph.  Joseph had a slight accent and explained that he had just moved to America and he wasn’t sure how to talk to people.  Even though Joseph came across like he might be a little off, I still gave him my email address and my phone number.  As Joseph walked away, Evelyn told me that I shouldn’t have done that.

Then, in the dream, I was back home when my phone started to vibrate.  I knew exactly who it was going to be before I even answered.  It was Joseph.  We had an awkward conversation, with Joseph asking me question after question about the most mundane things.  I realized that he was trying to hit on me and I started to get uncomfortable so I told him that I had some stuff I had to do and I ended the call.  Feeling uncomfortable, I decided to take a shower.

Suddenly, the scene changed and I was in my bedroom, having taken my shower.  My hair was wet and I was only wearing a towel.  My phone vibrated again.  I answered it and again, it was Joseph.  This time, he was a lot more direct with his comments, telling me how pretty I was and that he loved my hair and that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in America.  I thanked him and then suggested that he should try to find a girlfriend.  “You are my girlfriend,” he said.  I told him that I wasn’t and suddenly, he started yelling at me and cursing at me and calling me all sorts of terrible names.  I told him that this was not the right way to speak to a woman and he said, “I’m standing behind you right now, you whore.”

“No, you’re not,” I said.

“You’re wearing a towel.”

Suddenly, I felt a hand brushing against the back of my neck.

And that’s when I woke up.

Last Night’s Halloween Party Dream

Last night, I dreamt I was at Halloween party.  I was dressed as Little Red Riding Hood and everyone kept asking me if I was trying to attract the attention of a wolf.  “With this cleavage, how can’t I?” I said.  “Va va voom!” several people agreed in unison.

There was probably more to the dream but that’s what I remember.  The Va Va Voom honestly sounded like the start of a big musical number so who knows how wild that party got!

Last Night’s Annoying Party Dream

Last night, I dream that I was at a party but I was annoyed because I didn’t know anyone who was there and I really wasn’t familiar with the layout of the house.  I did finally find the door leading out to the backyard and that’s when I discovered that the house had a great view of a nearby mountain range.  Even though it was night, I could tell there were a lot of birds flying around.  Some people had come out behind me and I heard one of them asking if the birds were bats.

“They’re birds,” I replied, suddenly feeling very annoyed.

Last Night’s Dream About Amy’s Wedding Shower

Last night, I dreamt I was at my friend Amy Dai’s wedding shower.  We were having it on top of the roof of a dance studio that is near my house.  I was upset because I had forgotten to get a gift but Amy told me that it was okay because she had borrowed the dress she was wearing from me and that could be my present.  I said that was fine because I knew that the dress wasn’t actually mine and Amy was just saying that to be nice.

(Love you, Amy!)

Last Night’s Interrupted Party Dream

I was trying to throw a party but, at the same time, someone had broken into the House the night before and the cops were searching the house and the backyard for clues.  I was trying to keep the cops from bothering my guests and vice versa.  In the end, I just wanted everyone to leave.

Last Night’s Walk Around The Neighborhood Dream

Last night, I dreamt that it was about midnight and I was sitting outside in my outdoor office, trying to watch a movie. (In real life, I have a little building in the backyard that I use as a home office.) I was only wearing a silk nightshirt that barely fell down to my thighs and, as I watched the movie, I thought to myself that it was a good thing I was at home and that everyone I know is used to seeing me in various states of undress because I certainly wouldn’t be able to dress like this if I was in a movie theater.

Suddenly, I heard a party going on across the alley. Between the loud music and the people laughing and shouting, I couldn’t hear the movie I was trying to watch. I got up, left my office, walked across the backyard, and over to the back gate. I threw open the gate and then, barefoot, I walked across the alley to my neighbor’s fence. I knocked on their gate.

It took a few minutes but the gate was finally opened by this woman holding a beer. Over her shoulder, I could see that the backyard was full of people.

“Can you keep it down?” I asked.

“Do you always walk around like that?” she asked me, before shutting the gate.

That’s when I remembered — somehow, I had forgotten even though I had just been thinking about it — that I was only wearing a shirt. I turned around to return to my house but suddenly, I was standing in a totally different alley. I realized that I was actually several blocks away from my house and now, I had to walk home.

As I walked home, I was surprised that there were a lot of people out at night. What’s strange is that, despite the fact that I was only wearing a shirt, no one seemed surprised. I also kept forgetting and several times, I would be tempted to go talk to someone just to remember, “Wait, I’m not dressed.”

Eventually, I did reach my house. I went inside and lay down on the living room couch.

And then I woke up.

Last Night’s Party Dream

Last night, I dreamt that my neighbors across the street were having a party at midnight.  I was getting dressed up and preparing to go to it when I looked out my bedroom window and saw that three police cars had pulled up to my neighbor’s house.  I watched from my window as person after person was escorted from my neighbor’s house and tossed into the back of a police car.  I decided not to go to the party.

Last Night’s Weird Dorm Nightmare

Last night’s dream started out nicely but then it got weird and disturbing towards the end.

I dreamt that I was back in college and I had just moved into my new dorm.  I had this gigantic, three-room suite all to myself and I was so excited.  I invited all of my friends over and we had a big party, decorating the place.  I was having a great time until I noticed that there was a guy at the party that I had never seen before.

He was tall, thin, and pale with messy blonde hair.  When I first saw him, he was standing in front of a wall mirror, staring at his reflection.  I noticed that he had what appeared to be a huge cyst on his right jaw and he kept pushing down on it with his finger.  Suddenly, he started to squeeze the cyst.

“Stop doing that!” I snapped at him as the cyst burst open in a mix of blood and puss.

Holding his hand over his face, he turned away from the mirror and looked at me.  He lowered his hand, revealing that he now had a bloody hole on his face, through which I could see his jawbone.

And that’s when I woke up!

Don’t you hate it when a perfectly good dream is interrupted by a nightmare?