Nothing Last Night

No dreams that I remember from last night.

I’m very disappointed and a little surprised as I’m usually a very active dreamer.  I did take some cough syrup last night and I get the feeling that knocked me out so effectively that it took out my dreams as well.

Oh well!  Here’s hoping for better dreams ahead!

Last Night’s Weird Fragment Of A Dream

I was riding a train, heading back home.

When I got home, I stepped into my house and immediately heard a lot of buzzing.  There were swarms of bees flying around.  Fortunately, there was also an army of stray cats that were stalking and killing them.

Later, I was walking around the local community college.  I saw a friend of mine from high school sitting in an office so I waved to her.  She looked surprised to see me but I kept walking because I didn’t want to have a conversation with anyone.