Last Night’s Bank Commercial Dream

Last night, I dreamt that me and my sisters had been cast to appear in a commercial for a bank.  We went to a darkened studio, where the voice of an unseen director told us to just sit on a couch and react to whatever happened.  We were all sitting on the couch, waiting for something to happen.  Suddenly, the couch flipped over, throwing us all down to the ground.  The couch hovered above us, as if it was about to crash down on us.  However, two men in suits walked up behind the couch, grabbed it, and pulled it back down to the ground.

A voice boomed, “WE ALWAYS LOOK OUT FOR YOU!”

“What the fuck was that!?” I yelled.

Another voice thanked us all for taking part in the commercial.  My sisters were excited but I was worried that the commercial would feature me cursing at the couch and that they would have to bleep me.

Last Night’s Weird Hawaii Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was vacationing in Hawaii with my cousin Alison and her family.  I was upset because Ali wanted to stay in this really cheap-looking motel, despite the fact that her husband has a lot of money.  I took one look at the small, dirty motel room and I said, “I’m going for a walk.”

I walked through the field that was directly behind the motel.  The grass was extremely high, the sun was bright in the cloudless sky, and I was annoyed because it was so hot.  I reached the end of the field and suddenly, I found myself walking down a street in a residential neighborhood.  All of the houses were nice and big and that made me even more annoyed about the bad motel room.

Soon, I was walking through the downtown section of a small town.  I came across a used bookstore.  I stepped inside and I looked through all of the books.  At first, I was feeling self-conscious because all of the customers and the employees were wearing dresses and suits and, because I hadn’t really been planning on going anywhere when I first left the motel, I was just wearing a t-shirt and denim short shorts but then I discovered the store’s entertainment section and I was so excited that I forgot about being embarrassed.  I found a lot of good movie books but I had left my bag back at the motel so I didn’t have any money.  I decided to head back to the motel so I could get my stuff and then pay for a hotel room for myself.

Suddenly, I was back in the motel room and I was watching a movie on TV.  The movie was about a gangster named Tony who owned a speakeasy and always wore a tuxedo.  In the movie, Tony robbed the bookstore that I had just visited.  Tony not only stole the money from the cash register but he also stole a book that I had been planning on buying.

After leaving the store, Tony tried to walk back to his club.  But then he saw that every downtown building was covered in graffiti that read, “ARREST TONY.”  Tony dropped the money and the book and he started to run.

That’s when I woke up.