Last Night’s Interview With A Star Dream

Last night, I dream that I was interviewing a popular actress who appeared to be in her early 20s.  (The star was named Sophie but she was not a real person.)  We talked about her latest movie and a Netflix TV show in which she was appearing.  The show was just about to start its final season and Sophie said she was happy for all the opportunities it had given her.  I admitted that I had never actually watched the show, which led to a few moments of awkward silence.  Halfway through the interview, she mentioned that she was addicted to heroin and I just kind of nodded.

Last Night’s Creative Writing Dream

I dreamt that I was taking a creative writing class but, for some reason, it was being taught in my house and the teacher was a recent college graduate named Debbie who was living in a guest bedroom with two other, older women.  Debbie had assigned all of the students to write a short story over the weekend but I kept putting off getting to work on it and eventually, I realized the weekend was nearly over and I hadn’t even thought about story.  So, I went through my filing cabinet and found three stories that I had started and abandoned in the past and then I went to the guest room and knocked on the door.

When one of the women who lived with Debbie opened the door, I started to fake cry and I said I was so scared I was going to fail the class because I had started three stories and I just wasn’t sure which one I should be focusing on.  The woman let me into the room and told me that Debbie wasn’t there because she was out celebrating her birthday but she also told me that she would talk to Debbie for me and get me some extra time to write my story.  I asked if she could just convince Debbie to accept the three stories that I started and not require me to do the assignment at all.  She promised she would try.

Debbie and the other woman entered the room and they were shocked to see me there, even though they were living in my house.  I started to fake sob even harder as I handed all of my papers over to Debbie and told her about how hard I had been working all weekend.  Debbie said that it seemed like I had spent most of the weekend just hanging around the house but the woman who had first opened the door snapped that I had been working hard and that I was having a difficult time.  Debbie offered to give me an extra day to write the story but I just handed her the papers and said, “This is the best I could do.”

“Just give her a good grade,” the first woman said, “She’s been having a really hard time.”

Debbie finally said that she would have to knock some points off my final grade because I hadn’t followed the assignment.  I told her that would just make things worse so Debbie sighed and said she would give me an A because she could tell a put a lot of effort into the work.

“Thank you,” I said before I immediately stopped crying and happily walked out of the room.

Last Night’s Cousin Dream

Last night, I dreamt that my cousin and her family came to visit for the weekend.  In real life, I haven’t been getting along with this cousin and, in the dream, I was dreading her visit and, when she and her family did arrive, I did everything I could to avoid them for the weekend.  No matter how many times my sister told me that I was being rude and that I needed to make an effort for the sake of the family, I still refused to spend too much time with my cousin and I kept telling anyone who would listen that I couldn’t wait for them to go home.

At the end of the dream, my cousin and her family were getting ready to leave and I grudgingly came outside to say goodbye to them.  Before she got in her car, my cousin suddenly embraced me and said, “No matter what, I’ll always be here for you.”

That made me feel really bad in the dream and, actually, it made me feel really bad when I woke up too.