Last Night’s Boring Cat Dream

Advanced warning: This isn’t much of a dream.

Last night, I dreamed that I turned on the television in the living room and all I got was static.  So, I called Uverse and complained and they sent out someone to fix it.  Unfortunately, when he rang the doorbell and I opened the door to let him out, Doc ran outside.  (Doc’s my cat.)  I told the cable man, “You fix the TV.  I’ll get the cat.”

I went outside and I saw Doc sitting behind the front bushes.  Knowing that I would have to actually pick him up and carry him into the house, I got behind the bushes and I started to slowly make my way towards him.  Unfortunately, I was barefoot at the time and I kept stepping on rocks and sticks and I wanted to get mad but I knew I couldn’t because I had to get Doc.

Finally, I reached Doc and grabbed him.  He didn’t struggle at all and he allowed me to carry him back into the house with one complaining meow.  (That’s how I know this was a dream.)  I stepped into the living room and I saw that the cable guy was behind the TV and he was holding up a bunch of wires.

“Can you fix it?” I asked him.

And that’s when I woke up.

What was that?  Oh, this dream wasn’t that interesting?  Well, they can’t all be interesting.  Sorry.  Sometimes, my dreams are epic journeys into a symbolic wonder land and sometimes, they’re just like my everyday life.  Let’s just be happy that I was able to get the cat to come inside, okay?

This Morning’s Creepy Dream About Dorothy

Early this morning, I dreamt that there was the old man standing on front porch of my house.  When she rang the doorbell and I answered the door, she stuck her foot in the doorway to keep me from closing the door and then started demanding that I donate money to keep her from getting kicked out of her house.

“I’m sorry about your house,” I said, “but I don’t know you.”

“My name is Dorothy,” she replied, “Now you know me.”

And that’s when I woke up.

Seriously, creepy.

Last Night’s Office Dream

It’s been a long while since I shared a dream here on this site.  I’ve been having them.  It’s just that they haven’t really been that interesting and there’s only so many times that I can write about having a dream where I’m back in college and I can’t remember my class schedule.

I know that I had a very long and involved dream last night.  I know it but I can’t really remember much about what happened, which sucks.  I always tell myself that I need to use the pen and paper that I keep on the nightstand to write down my dreams as soon as I wake up but when it’s dark and you’re drowsy and you’re panicking as you try to figure out if you accidentally fell asleep with your contacts in, it’s easy to forget to jot down what you were just dreaming.  I often find myself saying, “I’ll be sure to write it all down later.”  Of course, dreams tend to disappear quickly unless you get them down immediately.

I do know that, in last night’s dream, I had just started working at the receptionist at Dunder Mifflin.  That’s right.  I basically dreamed that I was a character on The Office and that I was the new receptionist.  I know that all of the characters from The Office were in my dream — Dwight, Jim, Toby, Pam, Michael, Kevin, Angela, Oscar, Creed, the whole group — and they all behaved just like they did on the show.  So, fear not — it didn’t turn into a nightmare where Michael Scott was trying to kill me or something.  Instead, it was just an episode of The Office starring me.  I think I even talked to the camera at one point.  I guess it’s about as close as my dreams are ever going to get to being fanfic.

Why did I have this dream?  I’ve been watching The Office on Netflix and and I’ve been reading a book about the show.  In other words, no deep symbolism.  It’s just Netflix working on my subconscious.

I wish I remembered more about the dream.  I know I was in a good mood when I woke up.