Last Night’s Movie Theater Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was at the movies with a group of friends.  The movie we were watching was a romantic comedy starring Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively but we were having a hard time paying attention to the film because the couple sitting in front of us kept arguing with each other.  Finally, an usher came in the theater and asked the couple to leave.  The couple refused and everyone in the theater started to boo them.  The couple finally stood up and the woman gave the entire theater the finger as she left.  After they left, I found it hard to concentrate on the movie because I was worried that the couple would still be arguing in the lobby when the movie was over.

Last Night’s Let’s Go To The Mall Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was going for my morning run when I heard what sounded like a choir singing, “Let’s Go The Mall, Let’s Go To The Mall.”  I realized that the singing was coming from inside of a two-story house that I have never noticed before.

Last Night’s Homeless Shelter Dream

Last night, I dreamt that my sisters and my boyfriend were all volunteering at a Dallas homeless shelter.  I was waiting outside the shelter for them to finish up their shifts.  It was dark and it was rainy and I felt uncomfortable as I watched person after person walk into the shelter.  It was cold and I could see everyone’s frozen breath in the night air.  Someone offered me a cigarette and I said that I didn’t smoke.  “Aren’t you special!?” another person snapped at me.

Last Night’s Embassy Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was at a cocktail party at an embassy.  I was wearing a clingy black dress with a high side slit and all the men at the party kept coming over to talk to me.  What they didn’t suspect is that I was actually a spy and that I was wearing a garter that held a small dagger.  I was in the embassy to find and steal some files but I was a little bit worried about moving too fast because I was scared of accidentally stabbing myself with the dagger.

An older man who was wearing bar-rimmed glasses kept telling me about all of the different countries to which he had served as ambassador.  He wanted to know if I had ever been to France because that was going to be his next posting.  I said a few words in French and chuckled.  He replied by saying, “La Magnificent!” and I replied that he wasn’t speaking French.

Eventually, I told the men that I had to step out for a minute but I promised them that I would soon return.  I stepped through a door and I found myself in the embassy’s kitchen, where a cook was baking bread.  He looked shocked to see me.  I held my finger to my lips and went, “Shhhhhh.”  He nodded.

Then, I was on the roof of the embassy, watching a helicopter approach from the distance.

Last Night’s Screaming People Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was woke up by the sound of someone screaming across the street.  I got out of bed, walked over to the window, and looked through it.  A heavy rain was falling and whenever the lightning flashed, I could see two women, one old and one young, standing in a yard across the street and arguing with each other.

Last Night’s Fender Bender Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was pulling out of my driveway and I accidentally bumped into the car that was parked on the other side of the street.  The car was owned by an old couple who just happened to be standing outside when I hit their car.  I was very apologetic and they assured me that I had barely tapped their car.  We stepped into my garage so that we could exchange insurance information but, as soon as they stepped into the garage, the old couple’s demeanor changed and they started to get more and more critical of my driving.  Finally, I got sick of them criticizing me and I demanded to know why they had parked their car directly behind my driveway.  That made them even angrier and suddenly, the old woman held up a gun and started to laugh like a maniac.  She aimed the gun at me but I ducked right when she fired and the bullets ricocheted off the garage door and took out both of them.

Last Night’s College Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was once again in college and living in the dorms.  My roommate was a blonde girl named Darcy who, like me, loved movies and had a sarcastic sense of humor.  She was from up north so I promised that I would show her around North Texas.

Also, I was enrolled in several English classes, all of which were taught by Sandra Bullock.  Unfortunately, I spent so much time watching movies and showing Darcy around Denton and Dallas that I kept oversleeping and missing my classes.  One night, I woke up and realized that I hadn’t been to my Creative Writing Class in over a month and I couldn’t even remember if it was a classic that met daily or just once a week.  I told Darcy that I was really worried that I was going to flunk out of school and I was upset that Darcy didn’t have any good advice for me.

Finally, I decided I wanted to go to Recycled Books (a used bookstore in Denton), even though Darcy said that it was too late and the store was probably closed.  I stepped out of the dorm room and suddenly, I was in my own house.  I saw an unfamiliar man sitting at my desk in my upstairs office, looking at a laptop.  I went downstairs and found my sister and my boyfriend cooking dinner.  They asked me how college was going.  I told them that I didn’t like living in the dorms and then I asked, “Where did I live the last time I went back?”

And then I woke up.

Last Night’s Renaissance Faire Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was at Renaissance Fair, walking around costumed like a wench, buying jewelry, and attending a living chess match.  I stuck around until the end of the day so that I could see the joust.  For some reason, Joe and Jill Biden showed up for the jousting match and was sitting next to the king in the stands.  Everyone booed them.