Sunday Morning’s Trip To The Lake Dream

This morning, I dreamt that I was driving to Lake Texoma. It was very late at night and the roads were nearly deserted. At one point, I drove past a bar that was sitting off the side of the road. There were a lot of bikers hanging around outside the bar. As I drove past them, I was worried they might hop on their motorcycles and follow me but they didn’t.

That’s all I remember.

Thursday Morning’s Locked-In Dream

On Thursday morning, I dreamt that there were vampires roaming around Dallas and my family and I had been ordered to stay in the house with the doors locked while the army dealt with them. I was annoyed because there was nothing to watch because every streaming site and TV station was broadcasting the same warning about vampires.

Wednesday Morning’s Snow Dream

On Wednesday morning, according to my notes, I dreamt that it snowed and I couldn’t find a jacket that I wanted to wear.  Eventually, I ended up having to go with a leather jacket that I hadn’t worn since for years.  Apparently, I found some money in one of the pockets so I guess it was a good dream!

I Think I Had A Dream Last Night

I’m pretty sure that I had a dream last night but I can’t say for sure. I have vague memories of water pouring from the ceiling because a pipe had burst. That’s never actually happened in this house so I’m guessing it has to have been a dream.

Ugh. How frustrating, not being able to remember for sure.