Last Night’s Saved By The Bell Dream

Last night, I dreamed that I was a teenager in high school again.  I was at my house (and, in the dream, it was even the house where we lived when I was in high school) and all of my friends from the drama club were there.  We were talking about putting on a play that I had written.  Some of them were upset that I was not only the writer and the director but that I had given myself the lead role as well.  They kept complaining that I had given all of the good lines to myself.

“Well,” I said, “if you want a good line, write your own damn play.”

Mostly to shut them up, I then turned on the TV.  Simon Cowell appeared on the screen, singing the Saved By The Bell theme song.  However, this was the extended version of the song, which meant it had verses that we had never heard before.

At one point, Simon sang, “We all know gwam means lame/I’m saved by the bell….”

My friends and I looked at each other and said, “Gwam?”

On the TV, Simon repeated, “We all know gwam means lame/ I’m saved by the bell….”

“This is going in the play,” I said.

And that’s when I woke up.

Last Night’s Social Media Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I logged onto my twitter account and discovered that all of my followers had apparently unfollowed.  Thinking that this had to be some sort of mistake, I wrote an email to twitter support.  However, just as I was about hit send, there was a huge clasp of thunder and all the power went out in my house.  I then went to my living room window, a stared out at the front yard.  It was raining, the wind was howling, and the streets were flooded.  With each flash of lightning, I caught a glimpse of what appeared to be someone standing in the middle of the street.

And that’s when I woke up.