Last Night’s Lost Car Dream

Last night, I dreamt I drove my car down to my old high school. I had re-enrolled so I spent the day going to class. After my final class, I walked home. It took me about two hours to get home. It was only as I approached the house that I remembered that I had driven my car to the school and now, I was going to have to turn around walk all the way back to the school to get it.

This is actually a recurring dream that I have quite a bit so I guess I must miss high school and I’m also super worried about my car getting stolen.

Last Night’s Pandemic Nightmare

I’ve actually been doing a pretty good job of not getting freaked out over all of the COVID doom and gloom but last night, I had a pretty intense nightmare about it all.

Here’s what I remember:

The dream took place at some point in the near future. COVID had mutated and now everyone in the world was, to some extent, or another ill. Everyone spent every hour of the day behind locked doors, waiting until it was their time to die. All of the doctors and nurses were gone. Looking through any window revealed dead bodies that had been left in the streets.

I was living in a two story house. I had the top floor. There were three young men living below me. They were drifters who I had allowed to live on the bottom floor. All three of them had a grayish skin pallor and they were constantly sweating and coughing. I would occasionally put on a Hazmat suit so I could go downstairs to see whether or not they had died. By the end of the dream, two of them had passed away and, while suited up, I had dragged their bodies out onto the front lawn. Now, I was just waiting for the last one to die.

I remember that he was trembling and he kept saying that he wanted to see his family before he died. Even in my hazmat suit, I was scared to go near him so I just stood on the staircase and reminded him that he had told me that his family was already dead.

“Soon, everyone will be dead,” he said before closing his eyes and dying.

And that’s when I woke up!

Terrible, terrible dream.