Last Night’s Job Interview Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was interviewing for a writing job with one of the big Oscar sites.  My interview was with the site’s two editors.  (The site and the people are all real but I’m not going to identify them because of the nature of this dream.)  The job interview started out politely, if a bit chilly.  They asked me several questions about my taste in films and opinions regarding the Oscar nominations.  I answered honestly and tried to smile regardless of how uncomfortable their expressionless faces were making me.

One of them said, “Are you really going to have time to devote to our site?”

I said I would.

The other asked me how much time I spent online.  Before I could answer, the first one asked me how often I went out.  Then the other one demanded to know how much I spent on my clothes and how much money I had in my bank account.  Again, before I could answer the previous question, the first one demanded to know “how often do you sleep with your boyfriend?”  The questions got more and more intrusive until finally, I woke up.

Last Night’s Reality Show Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was a contestant on Big Brother-type reality show. I was voted out of the house but, when I left, I discovered that the house was not located in a television studio but apparently, it was just a part of some strip mall that was surrounded by a bunch of snowy mountains. I did some shopping and I had lunch at a Chinese restaurant. The hostess at the restaurant recognized me from the show and she asked me if I wanted to see the kitchen. I said “sure” and I was shocked to discover that the kitchen was just one tiny little room with an oven and a stove.

Weird dream.

Last Night’s Dream About My Neighbors

Last night, I dreamt that I was outside and I was arguing with my neighbors because they had been setting off fireworks and firecrackers throughout the night.  I told them it was insensitive of them to do and that “There are other people living on this street!”  They were were upset because someone had called the cops on them and, even as I was chastising them, I kept reassuring them that I wasn’t the one who called the police.