Last Night’s Messy And Weird Dream About Judith

Last night, I dreamt that my best friend Evelyn and I were in a clothing store in downtown Dallas. Everything was very expensive but Evelyn was looking for something very specific. While Evelyn was looking through the dresses, I walked over to a display of jewelry. I slipped a few items into my purse.

Suddenly, the woman working the front register looked up at me and said, “Lisa Marie, is that you?”

I looked over at her and tried to figure out if I knew her.

“It’s me,” she said, “Judith.”

That’s when I remembered that Judith was someone who I had known when I was in high school. I walked over to the register and we started to talk about high school and what had happened in our lives since. Suddenly, Judith started crying and I asked her what was wrong. Judith grabbed my hand and said that she appreciated everything that I had done for her in school. She said that she understood how strong I was to stand up for her. That’s when I started crying and I told her that there was no way I wasn’t going to stand up for her. Suddenly, Judith reached under the counter and grabbed several pictures, all of the two of us in high school. I was looking at the pictures when Judith suddenly asked me if I remembered someone named Mike. I said that I knew a lot of guys named Mike in high school.

Suddenly, Judith’s whole demeanor changed. She stepped back from me, somewhat stiffly. She glared at me and said, “You knew a lot of guys in high school.”

Realizing that Judith was apparently no longer happy to see me and worried something bad was going to happen, Evelyn and I left the shop. Outside of the shop, there was a huge statue of three horses. Evelyn and I stopped to look at the statue. A man walked by and said, “Don’t get used to it, it’s going back home.”

Evelyn and I then walked down the street. Soon, we realized we had walked too far and now, we were in a run-down neighborhood. All of the houses looked like shacks and had cars sitting out in the front lawn. There were people sitting out in their driveways, drinking beer, and they would shout at Evelyn and I as we walked by.

“Should we turn around?” I asked Evelyn.

Evelyn shook her head and said she wasn’t scared of any of these people. She said her father was the mayor of Dallas so we were safe no matter what.

Suddenly, the scene changed and I was sitting in a restaurant, having a very nice dinner with my sisters and some of my friends. I was telling everyone about running into Judith but everyone told me that I had never mentioned Judith before and that they didn’t think I’d actually gone to high school with her. I explained that Judith had pictures.

Then, I was back home. I wanted to change clothes but I was upset because I couldn’t find the shirt that I wanted to wear. Jeff offered to buy me a new shirt. “I don’t want a new shirt,” I said, “I want my shirt!”

And then I woke up.

(Note: In real life, I’ve known a few people named Judith but none of them looked like or acted like the Judith in my dream. Also Evelyn’s father is not the mayor of Dallas, though her great-grandfather did run for mayor twice.)

Last Night’s Walk Around The Neighborhood Dream

Last night, I dreamt that it was about midnight and I was sitting outside in my outdoor office, trying to watch a movie. (In real life, I have a little building in the backyard that I use as a home office.) I was only wearing a silk nightshirt that barely fell down to my thighs and, as I watched the movie, I thought to myself that it was a good thing I was at home and that everyone I know is used to seeing me in various states of undress because I certainly wouldn’t be able to dress like this if I was in a movie theater.

Suddenly, I heard a party going on across the alley. Between the loud music and the people laughing and shouting, I couldn’t hear the movie I was trying to watch. I got up, left my office, walked across the backyard, and over to the back gate. I threw open the gate and then, barefoot, I walked across the alley to my neighbor’s fence. I knocked on their gate.

It took a few minutes but the gate was finally opened by this woman holding a beer. Over her shoulder, I could see that the backyard was full of people.

“Can you keep it down?” I asked.

“Do you always walk around like that?” she asked me, before shutting the gate.

That’s when I remembered — somehow, I had forgotten even though I had just been thinking about it — that I was only wearing a shirt. I turned around to return to my house but suddenly, I was standing in a totally different alley. I realized that I was actually several blocks away from my house and now, I had to walk home.

As I walked home, I was surprised that there were a lot of people out at night. What’s strange is that, despite the fact that I was only wearing a shirt, no one seemed surprised. I also kept forgetting and several times, I would be tempted to go talk to someone just to remember, “Wait, I’m not dressed.”

Eventually, I did reach my house. I went inside and lay down on the living room couch.

And then I woke up.

Last Night’s Audition Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I went to my old high school because the Drama Department was having auditions for that fall’s school play and I had been asked to help judge the auditions. My former drama teacher and I watched as student after student tried out. Some did cold readings. Some did prepared monologues. I got bored after a while. I asked the teacher if I could audition. He said yes so I got up on stage and I improvised a monologue. My teacher was really impressed but, as soon as I left the stage, I realized it had been pointless to audition because I was no longer a student.

Last Night’s Very Weird Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was getting ready to leave for work in the morning. As I headed outside to my car, I suddenly heard civil difference sirens going off. Standing in my front yard, I heard an explosion. In the far distance, I saw a mushroom cloud forming. I ran back into the house and turned on the living room TV. Frantic reporters were saying that a terrorist had just set off a bomb in Dallas and that everyone had to stay indoors. On the news, they showed scenes of Dallas. All of the buildings were on fire and horribly burned people were running through the streets.

I turned down the volume of the TV and then I looked out the living room window. The sky had turned red but otherwise, the neighborhood looked peaceful. I wanted to go outside but then I remembered what the news had said.

I sat down on my couch and watched the silent images of destruction on the television.

Someone knocked on the front door. I cautiously stood up and went over to the door. A tall, bald man was standing on the front porch. He motioned for me to open the door but I shook my head. He yelled at me that he was in charge now.

Suddenly, I saw that, somehow, there was now a monorail in the neighborhood, the elevated tracks following the path of the roads. The train kept going by. I stared at the monorail and then I realized that the bald man had moved on and was now across the street, trying to get into another house.

I sat back down on the couch and, seeing that the news anchors were now smiling, I turned up the volume. The anchor was explaining that they had gotten the story wrong and there was nothing to be worried about. They then showed a live shot of Dallas, which they explained had never been on fire.

I looked out the living room window. The monorail was gone.

Last Night’s Detective Nightmare

Last night, I dreamt that I was standing outside my house, talking to a man who I knew was a detective.

“How are you?” he asked.

“It’s always rough,” I said, “this time of year.”

“I understand. It’s been one year since you lost everyone.”

That woke me up.

(When I told my sister about this dream, she pointed out that there was an episode of Medium where Patricia Arquette had the exact same dream so maybe I was just remembering that.)

Last Night’s Backyard Nightmare

Last night, I dreamt that I woke up, went down stairs, and I stepped out in the backyard.  It was night, it was cold, it was raining, and, because I was only wearing a sleep shirt, I was soon shivering.  I wanted to go back in but I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was someone hiding in the backyard and that I needed to figure out where that person was.  Suddenly, I saw a shadow across the yard from me.  There was someone in the backyard, but I couldn’t make out their features.

“I’ll call the police,” I shouted.

Suddenly, the shadow started to talk towards me.

And that’s when I woke up!

(Don’t read too much into this dream.  I watch a lot of horror movies.)

Last Night’s Stalker Nightmare

Last night, I dreamt that I was at a restaurant with my sisters.  We were talking as we waited for my food to arrive and they kept congratulating me on getting a new house.  Melissa asked me if I was sure that I wanted to live alone and I said yes because it would help me to write and that I would only be alone for a few months because Jeff would be returning from working overseas.

Suddenly, I was viewing the four of us through the eyes of someone watching from another table.  The person watching kept staring at me.

Suddenly, the scene changed.  I was standing outside of a two-story house.  It was night and it was raining and I was alone.  I knew that the house was my new home but I was scared to go in.  However, it was raining really hard and I was getting soaked and finally, I decided that it would be better to conquer my fear than catch pneumonia.

I walked up to the front door and I turned the door knob.  The door wasn’t locked.  As I pushed it open, I wondered whether I had locked it before.  I stepped into the house.  At first, it was too dark for me to see anything but then my eyes started to adjust and I realized I was standing in a living room.

I felt around the wall until I found a light switch.  I switched it on.  The lights came on and suddenly, there was a man standing in front of me, a tall, angry looking man with blonde hair and crazed eyes.  I gasped but suddenly the lights went back out, casting me into darkness.  I felt the man grabbing me, clamping his hand of my mouth, and shoving me to the floor.

Thankfully, that’s when I woke up.

(What does everyone think?  Maybe I’ve been watching too much Lifetime?)