Last Night’s Fragment of A Dream

I can’t remember much about this dream.  I remember that the wife of a government official had been kidnapped by terrorists who were demanding a change to U.S. policy.  I watched a news report about it and I was a little worried because, in the dream, my boyfriend worked for the FBI and I didn’t want him to be assigned to the case.

Last Night’s Interrupted Party Dream

I was trying to throw a party but, at the same time, someone had broken into the House the night before and the cops were searching the house and the backyard for clues.  I was trying to keep the cops from bothering my guests and vice versa.  In the end, I just wanted everyone to leave.

Last Night’s Searching A Warehouse with Larisa And Her Man Dream

I was with my friend Larisa and her boyfriend.  (Larisa is real but her boyfriend, in the dream, was fictional and had a mustache.)  We were walking around what I guess was a loading dock, looking for something amongst all of the shipping crates and stuff.  I was wearing a short black dress, Larisa was wearing black jeans and a black shirt, and her boyfriend was dressed like he had just come back from camping.  We couldn’t find what we were looking for and I was feeling kind of disappointed but Larisa and her boyfriend told me to stop worrying.

I sat down on a stack of palettes and I started telling them about something that happened that day.  I can’t remember what it was exactly but I was upset when I started the story but then I realized the story was silly and not worth getting upset about and I started to laugh and then I apologized for being so upset over nothing.

Larisa laughed and said, “You’re just lucky you remembered to wear panties today,” and that’s when I realized that I was sitting with my legs slightly open.  (Before one reads too much into this, the difficulty of sitting while wearing a short skirt is kind of a running joke between me and Larisa.)  I laughed and mockingly said I was sorry.  Larisa’s boyfriend swore he didn’t see a thing.

We went back to searching the loading dock.  Eventually, Larisa’s boyfriend found a bunch of papers laying on the ground.  They looked like legal documents.  Larisa said that she and her boyfriend needed to go to another state and she said they would call me when they got back.  We all hugged and then we quickly walked to our vehicles.  (Larisa and her boyfriend owned a jeep.)  We all drove off, going our separate ways.

Last Night’s Hawaii Dream

I have a lot of dreams that seem to have been inspired my a trip my family and I took to Hawaii after Erin graduated from high school.  Last night’s, though, was weird.  I can’t remember much about it but I do know that we were all staying on a beachside hotel.  But, whenever I stepped inside of my hotel room, I would suddenly be back in the bedroom of the house I lived in when I was in high school.  And when I would step out of the room, I would be back in Hawaii.  It was odd and I think I ever pointed out how odd it was in the dream.

Last Night’s Storage Locker Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was in Denton, visiting an old storage locker that was full of stuff that I had bought in college but subsequently forgotten about.  I discovered that I had a crate full of old books and I wondered if I should take them home with me or if I should try to sell them at the local used book store.

Last Night’s High School Theater Dream

Last night, I dreamt that Jeff and I went to a play at my former high school.  The play started out as a production of West Side Story but then, when the second act started, it turned into Song for Bernadette.  I was embarrassed because the play was so bad but then I was shocked to discover that the cast was made up of people who I went to high school with.

“Why are they still here?” I asked.

Last Night’s Fire Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was sitting in my office when I realized that I had yet to eat dinner despite the fact that it was nearly midnight.  I walked out to my car and drove down to Panda Express to get some feed but, as I pulled up to the restaurant, I realized that it was probably too late for Panda Express.  As I sat in my car and tried to think of some place that would be open, I noticed that the air outside of my car was filled with smoke.  I saw that an abandoned building nearby was in flames.  Firemen were trying to put out the fire and a small crowd had gathered to watch.  I sat in the car and watched the fire for a while.