Last Night’s Long Dream About A Dead actor

I was at the movies with my friends Evelyn and Amy.  We were seeing a slasher film and the film opened with an old British man sitting in a dark library and speaking straight to the camera about how the things we fear are often the things that we actually need.  The monologue went on for a while and a lot of people in the audience started to laugh at it.  I was getting annoyed because I thought it was an interesting monologue.  I told my friends that I was going to walk out if the audience didn’t stop laughing but they told me to just calm down and accept that not everyone is always going to feel the same way that I do about certain movies.

Then, the scene shifted.  I was standing outside the theater, talking on my phone.  I had called the actor to tell him how much I liked the monologue and he said that he appreciated it because he had improvised it on the spot.  He asked me what the rest of the audience thought and I lied and said that everyone liked it.

The scene changed again.  I was in my bedroom, lying on my bed.  My sister Erin stepped into the room and told me that she had just heard that an actor I liked had died.  I knew she was talking about the British actor from the film.  I asked what he had died of.  Erin said it was a heart attack.  I replied, “That was no heart attack.”

Suddenly, I was in the UK.  I was at Scotland Yard, talking to a police detective.  The detective said that the actor had died of a stroke.  I said I thought it was a heart attack.  The detective told me that sometimes, the cause of death changes as more information comes in.

Jeff and I were walking along the Thames.  I told Jeff that I didn’t believe the actor had died of a heart attack or a stroke.  I said that the actor thought someone was stalking him.  Jeff told me to keep investigating.

I was at a wax museum, looking at a wax figure of the actor wearing a tuxedo.  The woman standing behind me said, “That was his greatest role.”  I looked over my shoulder at the woman and told her that I didn’t need her to tell me what his greatest role was.

Suddenly, I was back in Dallas.  I was walking down a street in Deep Ellum and I was talking to Evelyn on the phone.  She was telling me that it sounded like I had been rude to the woman at the museum and I replied that I was tired of having to respect the opinions of strangers.  As I spoke to her, it started to rain.

And then I woke up, feeling very confused.

Last Night’s Skipping High School Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was driving past my old high school.  I knew that I had a class I was supposed to be attending but I decided to skip it.  Instead, I kept driving until I came upon a bookstore.  I went into the store and browsed the books.  The whole time, though, I kept wondering if I should have gone to school instead.  Then, I remembered that I’m not in high school anymore so I wasn’t really skipping.  But I still felt like I needed to go back to the school.

Last Night’s Talking To Mom In the Rain Dream

I dreamt that me and mom were walking down a city street.  It was raining and I kept stopping and jumping in the puddles and splashing water all over the place.  While I was doing all of that, I was talking to my mom about everything that had happened in my life since 2008.  She nodded and smiled but she didn’t speak.

Suddenly, I said, “This doesn’t make any sense.  I can’t tell you any of this because you’re not here.”

And then I woke up.

Last Night’s Fragment of a Vaccine Booster Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was sitting in a warehouse with thousands of other people.  There were soldiers standing at the exits.  We were all waiting to get COVID vaccine boosters but it was taking forever.  This one soldier kept yelling at everyone not to leave and ordering us to remain seated until our name was called.  It was really getting on my nerves so I told the person sitting next to me that I wished the soldiers would just shut up.

Last Night’s Beto Dream

I looked outside and I saw that Beto O’Rourke was standing in my front yard, giving a speech and yelling because not enough people were there to listen to him.  I went outside to tell him to leave but, when I approached him, all of his bodyguards stepped in front of me.

“I don’t want him here,” I told them.

They told me that Beto just wanted to make my life better.

“I don’t like Beto!” I shouted.

Beto stopped speaking and kind of glared at me because he went back into giving his campaign speech.

Last Night’s Truck Dream

Last night, I dreamt that someone had parked a semi-truck on my street in the middle of the night and they had left their lights on.  I looked out my bedroom window and I could see that all of my neighbors were standing around the truck, trying to figure out a way to turn out the lights.

Last Night’s Political Debate Dream

I was at an old coffeehouse where my friends and I used to hang out in Denton.  Even though the dream was taking place in the present day, I was in college again.  I was sitting at a corner table with some of my classmates and I was telling them why I didn’t like Joe Biden.  I could tell that they were getting upset with me so that just made me more determined to see how far I could go before they walked out on me.

A Very Weird Dream From Last Night

I dreamt that I was working at a movie theater in a mall.  Because the theater usually stayed open after the rest of the mall closed, there were special elevators that the employees would use to leave the theater.

In my dream, at the end of the workday, I stepped into the elevator but, when I stepped out of it, I was no longer at the mall but instead, I was at a party at my new boss’s house.  All of the employees were there and it turned out that the party was a weekend tradition.  It was a fun party but then I realized that I didn’t know where my new boss lived and that my car was back at the mall.

“Hey, where are we?” I asked.

Someone replied that we were in downtown Fort Worth.

“How am I going to get home?” I said.

One of my new co-workers offered me a ride home but he said that he was also giving four others girls a ride home and that we would all have to fit into his car.  Then this kind of nerdy guy walked up to him and asked if he could have a ride as well.  The nerdy guy says, “Don’t worry, I don’t have any game.”

“Ugh,” I said, “I don’t want him in the car with me.”

Then suddenly, the dream changed.  I was sitting at home but I was watching a TV show about a bunch of people who worked at a theater but who were driving home after a party.  However, they kept having to make stops and help people out so it seemed like they were never getting any closer to home.  At one point, they stopped off at a karaoke bar and gave CPR to two singers who fainted on stage.  Everyone in the bar applauded.

A very weird dream.

Last Night’s Dream About Teaching My Nephew To Drive

Last night, I dreamt that I was trying to teach my nephew how to drive.  We were in the parking lot of an abandoned mall and I was showing him how to tap the accelerator and hit the brakes.  I was a little bit annoyed because he kept turning up the radio while I was talking.  Finally, I turned off the radio and I snapped, “This isn’t even my car so you need to pay attention!”

I got out of the car and I let him drive in a circle around the parking lot.  He would go extremely fast and then come to a screeching halt as he tested the brakes and the accelerator.  I kept telling him that he was doing okay.

Finally, after about ten minutes of watching him drive, I yelled at him to put the car in park.  He did so and then climbed into the passenger’s seat.  I got behind the steering wheel and told him that we had to take the car back.  He asked me if I had trouble learning to drive.

I laughed and said, “A year before you were born, I flipped my car and died.”

And that’s when I woke up.

(For context, I did actually flip a car that I was driving a year before my nephew was born.  But I didn’t die.  In fact, everyone was surprised by how minor my injuries were …. just a few scrapes and bruises, a cut on my hand, and a cut on my neck that looked worse than it was.)