Last Night’s Fender Bender Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was pulling out of my driveway and I accidentally bumped into the car that was parked on the other side of the street.  The car was owned by an old couple who just happened to be standing outside when I hit their car.  I was very apologetic and they assured me that I had barely tapped their car.  We stepped into my garage so that we could exchange insurance information but, as soon as they stepped into the garage, the old couple’s demeanor changed and they started to get more and more critical of my driving.  Finally, I got sick of them criticizing me and I demanded to know why they had parked their car directly behind my driveway.  That made them even angrier and suddenly, the old woman held up a gun and started to laugh like a maniac.  She aimed the gun at me but I ducked right when she fired and the bullets ricocheted off the garage door and took out both of them.

Last Night’s Zombie Dream

Last night, I dreamt that there had been some sort of huge disaster that had wiped out most of civilization.  I was leading a silent girl with curly, long green hair through the ruins of Dallas.  I knew that I had to protect the girl from not only rampaging gangs but also the military and the hordes of zombies that were rampaging across the world.  The girl and I would run from abandoned building to abandoned building, hiding whenever we saw a group of people.  In the buildings, we could always hear zombies growling in the distance but I kept telling the girl that we would be safe because zombies didn’t know how to open doors.

l don’t remember many specifics about the dream but it was all very Walking Dead.  I do remember that, with each run to another building, I felt more and more certain that we were never actually going to escape the city.  I had no idea where we were really going but I was hoping that we would eventually find some sort of safety.

Last Night’s Fly Invasion Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I stepped into the kitchen and there were flies buzzing everywhere.  I immediately started to search the kitchen, trying to figure out what was attracting the flies.  However, there were so many flies (and I hate flies in both my dreams and my waking life) that I couldn’t stand staying in the kitchen with them.  I retreated to the fly-free living room and I sat down on the couch.  I turned on the TV.  Joe Biden was giving a speech from the Oval Office but he kept stopping to swat at a fly.  I laughed at that and I felt better because I knew that, if flies could even get the Oval Office, then it wasn’t my fault that they got into the kitchen.

Last Night’s Warning Poster Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was going for my morning run.  As I left the house in the morning, I noticed that there was a short, dark-haired man walking down the sidewalk.  I ran in place in the front yard until he walked passed me.  He nodded at me and I nodded back.  Then I went running.  When I reached the end of my block, I noticed that there was a flyer on the street sign.  I stopped running and looked at the flyer.

The flyer read:

Warning: There is a thief in the neighborhood.  He has been arrested multiple times for breaking into houses and stealing women’s underwear.   

The man’s picture was on the flyer.  I turned around and ran back towards my house.  As I approached, I saw that the front door was standing wide open.

I woke up.

Last Night’s People In The Garage Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I woke up in the middle of the night.  The house was completely dark but I was sure that I could hear someone talking.  I got out of bed and I slowly walked through the dark house, searching for the source of the voice.  When I reached the kitchen, the voice got much louder.  I crept over to the garage door and I looked through the window.  There were two middle-aged, apparently homeless men sitting in the garage, talking and laughing.  I had never seen the men before but I knew they were dangerous.  I realized that I needed to get to my phone so I could call the police.  Suddenly, both of the men stared at the garage door at the exact same time.

I woke up for real.

Last Night’s Joseph Dream

Last night, I dreamt I was at a party with my friend Evelyn when we were approached by a shy and nervous looking man named Joseph.  Joseph had a slight accent and explained that he had just moved to America and he wasn’t sure how to talk to people.  Even though Joseph came across like he might be a little off, I still gave him my email address and my phone number.  As Joseph walked away, Evelyn told me that I shouldn’t have done that.

Then, in the dream, I was back home when my phone started to vibrate.  I knew exactly who it was going to be before I even answered.  It was Joseph.  We had an awkward conversation, with Joseph asking me question after question about the most mundane things.  I realized that he was trying to hit on me and I started to get uncomfortable so I told him that I had some stuff I had to do and I ended the call.  Feeling uncomfortable, I decided to take a shower.

Suddenly, the scene changed and I was in my bedroom, having taken my shower.  My hair was wet and I was only wearing a towel.  My phone vibrated again.  I answered it and again, it was Joseph.  This time, he was a lot more direct with his comments, telling me how pretty I was and that he loved my hair and that I was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in America.  I thanked him and then suggested that he should try to find a girlfriend.  “You are my girlfriend,” he said.  I told him that I wasn’t and suddenly, he started yelling at me and cursing at me and calling me all sorts of terrible names.  I told him that this was not the right way to speak to a woman and he said, “I’m standing behind you right now, you whore.”

“No, you’re not,” I said.

“You’re wearing a towel.”

Suddenly, I felt a hand brushing against the back of my neck.

And that’s when I woke up.

Last Night’s Job Interview Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was interviewing for a writing job with one of the big Oscar sites.  My interview was with the site’s two editors.  (The site and the people are all real but I’m not going to identify them because of the nature of this dream.)  The job interview started out politely, if a bit chilly.  They asked me several questions about my taste in films and opinions regarding the Oscar nominations.  I answered honestly and tried to smile regardless of how uncomfortable their expressionless faces were making me.

One of them said, “Are you really going to have time to devote to our site?”

I said I would.

The other asked me how much time I spent online.  Before I could answer, the first one asked me how often I went out.  Then the other one demanded to know how much I spent on my clothes and how much money I had in my bank account.  Again, before I could answer the previous question, the first one demanded to know “how often do you sleep with your boyfriend?”  The questions got more and more intrusive until finally, I woke up.

Last Night’s Hallway Dream

I was walking down a hallway when I suddenly saw this dark-haired woman standing a few feet in front of me.  She was wearing a gray dress and she had skin that was so pale that she almost looked like she was dead.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, “I own this hotel!”

That woke me up.

Last Night’s New Apartment Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was a teenager again and my mom and I had just moved into a new apartment.  (The rest of my family wasn’t in this dream.)  It was a nice building and a big apartment and when I asked my mom how she was able to afford it, she told me that no one else wanted the apartment because there had been some murders in the building.  I said that sounded bad but my mom said we should just keep the door locked and not worry about it.

The scene changed to outside of our apartment.  This dark-haired woman who was wearing a red nightgown was walking down the hallway.  She kept looking over her shoulder, to see if something was following her.

Suddenly, the dream switched to the POV of something that was following her as it flew through the air and grabbed the woman just as she started to scream.

That woke me up.

Last Night’s Cemetery Dream

It was late at night and I was driving by a cemetery in Denton, Texas.  (In real life, this cemetery was near my apartment and I walked by it almost daily.)  I looked over at the cemetery and I saw what looked like two zombies digging a grave in the distance.  I could hear them laughing while they dug.  There was a flash of lightning and a rumbling of thunder and it started to rain.