Last Night’s Fender Bender Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was pulling out of my driveway and I accidentally bumped into the car that was parked on the other side of the street.  The car was owned by an old couple who just happened to be standing outside when I hit their car.  I was very apologetic and they assured me that I had barely tapped their car.  We stepped into my garage so that we could exchange insurance information but, as soon as they stepped into the garage, the old couple’s demeanor changed and they started to get more and more critical of my driving.  Finally, I got sick of them criticizing me and I demanded to know why they had parked their car directly behind my driveway.  That made them even angrier and suddenly, the old woman held up a gun and started to laugh like a maniac.  She aimed the gun at me but I ducked right when she fired and the bullets ricocheted off the garage door and took out both of them.