Last Night’s New Cousin Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was a teenager again, living with my mom and my sisters at our old house.  Several aunts, uncles, and cousins were at our house for some sort of reunion.  The house was so crowded that I was getting stressed and it was starting to trigger my asthma so I went out to the backyard to get some fresh air.

There was a teenage boy in the backyard.  He was brown-haired and wearing jeans, a red t-shirt, and a black suit jacket.  He told me that he was my cousin James.  (In real life, I have never met or seen this person and, as far as I know, he doesn’t exist.)  James told me that he had read some of my short stories and he thought I was really talented.  I thanked him and we talked for a while, mostly about art.  (I can’t remember the specifics.)  Finally, James asked me if I wanted to step out in the alley and smoke some weed with him.  I said sure.

It turned out that there was another party taking place in the alley and apparently, everyone knew James.  Everyone in the alley was really fascinated with watching me smoke a joint, saying they were amazed at how deeply I could inhale.  I heard one of them say, “I’ve never seen anyone get that stoned.”  I wasn’t feeling stoned at all but when I tried to tell James, I saw that his eyes were totally blood-shot and that he could barely stand up straight.  I realized that, while the crowd loved me, they didn’t seem to like him that much.  I led James out of the alley.

In the backyard, we ran into my mom, who asked me what I had been doing in the alley.  Suddenly, the weed hit and I had to struggle not to laugh as I told her that we were just looking at the moon.

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