Last Night’s New Apartment Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was a teenager again and my mom and I had just moved into a new apartment.  (The rest of my family wasn’t in this dream.)  It was a nice building and a big apartment and when I asked my mom how she was able to afford it, she told me that no one else wanted the apartment because there had been some murders in the building.  I said that sounded bad but my mom said we should just keep the door locked and not worry about it.

The scene changed to outside of our apartment.  This dark-haired woman who was wearing a red nightgown was walking down the hallway.  She kept looking over her shoulder, to see if something was following her.

Suddenly, the dream switched to the POV of something that was following her as it flew through the air and grabbed the woman just as she started to scream.

That woke me up.