Last Night’s College Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I was once again in college and living in the dorms.  My roommate was a blonde girl named Darcy who, like me, loved movies and had a sarcastic sense of humor.  She was from up north so I promised that I would show her around North Texas.

Also, I was enrolled in several English classes, all of which were taught by Sandra Bullock.  Unfortunately, I spent so much time watching movies and showing Darcy around Denton and Dallas that I kept oversleeping and missing my classes.  One night, I woke up and realized that I hadn’t been to my Creative Writing Class in over a month and I couldn’t even remember if it was a classic that met daily or just once a week.  I told Darcy that I was really worried that I was going to flunk out of school and I was upset that Darcy didn’t have any good advice for me.

Finally, I decided I wanted to go to Recycled Books (a used bookstore in Denton), even though Darcy said that it was too late and the store was probably closed.  I stepped out of the dorm room and suddenly, I was in my own house.  I saw an unfamiliar man sitting at my desk in my upstairs office, looking at a laptop.  I went downstairs and found my sister and my boyfriend cooking dinner.  They asked me how college was going.  I told them that I didn’t like living in the dorms and then I asked, “Where did I live the last time I went back?”

And then I woke up.

One thought on “Last Night’s College Dream

  1. Hi Lisa 🙂

    just found your blog via this post … and IMHO “lastnite” seems like a swell name for it! (8 chars is quite short as a URL 😉 )

    🙂 Norbert


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