Last Night’s Vacation Dream

Last night, I dreamt that I flew to Ireland.  The airplane landed in Belfast, I got a rental car, and then I drove out to a small rural village.  There was a small farm out there that doubled as a hotel.  I got a room for a week.  I spent the next few days walking around the farm and feeling very calm.  At the end of the week, I got in the car and I drove until I somehow found myself in London.  (Yes, I know it’s impossible to drive from Northern Ireland to London.  It was a dream!)  I parked the car on a street corner and I got out and I walked around London.  I bought a newspaper and then I found a large department store.  I spent a few hours inside the store, trying on clothes.   It was while I was in the  changing room that I suddenly realized that I couldn’t remember where I had parked the car and that my original clothes, phone, and purse had disappeared from the changing room so now, I was going to have to walk around London in my underwear until I found my car.  I woke up just as I was leaving the changing room.